Leadership Podcasts and White Papers

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Master the three essential characteristics of effective leaders - Behaviors, Competencies,and Responsibilities

One of the great strengths that defines a successful leader is the ability to build teams that can deliver products, services, and results . . . faster, better and more cost effectively. Developing this strength, however, requires a successful balance of several factors.

To help project leaders overcome these challenges, and make effective leadership decisions, my colleague David Williams and I designed and developed what we termed the Behaviors, Competencies and Responsibilities (BCR) approach to leadership to identify these very factors. Download this 3-part series of leadership podcasts and accompanying white papers (each worth 1 PDU!) and get started on your journey to successful leadership.



Learn how you can increase your effectiveness by adopting supportive behaviors, Download the podcast and accompanying white paper here and learn to adopt what is termed a “servant leadership” role.



Discover how the competencies of communicating collaboratively, making effective decisions, and applying Emotional Intelligence (EI) can make you a successful leader.



Discover how effective leaders execute the inspirational responsibilities of coaching, aligning visions and goals, and managing change.